Coalter Block – 1907 (now Gannett Grill 126 Main) Originally was known as the Coalter House. Thanks to the coming of the railroad to Lander in 1906, new businesses developed along Main Street. William Coalter had the advantage of having his hotel across the street from the railroad depot. His “House” provided lodging, meals and…
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Vaughn’s Livery Stable

Vaughn’s Livery and Stable – 1891 (now Lander Christian Center 183 Main St.) Originally from Illinois, William Lorenzo Vaughn settled in Lander at the age of 22. He made his living as a rancher and later went into the livery business. Prior to his large brick livery stable, he had a smaller operation boarding horses.…
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Union Market
Union Market – 1886 (now Classic West 267 Main ) The market was owned by early day pioneer Jules Lamoreaux and opened about 1886. Jules Lamoreaux was one of the most successful cattle ranchers in the Lander Valley. Opening a butcher shop to sell his beef fit right in with his business activities. He was…
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Lander Eagle Newspaper

Lander Eagle Newspaper - 1911 (now Chisholms Jewelry 273 Main) Chisholm’s Jewelry, a building that once housed the newspaper office of the Lander Eagle. William Rhein also owned this building and it was built around 1888-1889. Prior to housing the newspaper, it was John Painter’s Barber Shop. Right before Mrs. Josephine Chisholm purchased the building…
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