285 Main Street The Fremont Hotel - The Fremont served guests for eighty years on the corner of Main and 3rd, from 1891 to 1971. Jerry Sheehan had the foresight to build an out-of- the ordinary hotel in an isolated western town. Mr. Sheehan was no stranger to the hotel business. Prior to opening the Fremont…
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The Bossert Building
259 Main Street The Bossert Building - This unique ornate building has been on Lander’s Main Street since 1893. Built by Thomas J. Bossert and it was used for his dry good store. He ran it as a “cash only” store. He advertised clothing at lower prices than ever offered in Lander. He ran competitive…
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The Lander Hotel
250 Main Street The Lander Hotel -The Lander Hotel was one of the first businesses on Lander’s dusty Main Street. It began as an eating place and stopover for bull-team freighters on their way to Fort Washakie. It was a one-story, four-room log building built by Ben Decora. Later additions were built of adobe and wood.Captain…
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The IOOF Building
202 Main Street The IOOF Building - International Order of Odd Fellows -In 1886, the social society, the International Order of Odd Fellows, funded the construction of this brick building. The Odd Fellows held their meeting upstairs which was reported as handsomely furnished, and was supplied with “electric lighting appliances.”The society originated in England in…
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