259 Main Street
The Bossert Building - This unique ornate building has been on Lander’s Main Street since 1893. Built by Thomas J. Bossert and it was used for his dry good store. He ran it as a “cash only” store. He advertised clothing at lower prices than ever offered in Lander. He ran competitive ads in the newspaper “prices goods elsewhere then call on Mrs. T. J. Bossert and you will be surprised at her low prices.” This was when shoes were selling for $2.00 and fine imported dishes were 25 cents. In 1905, Thomas Bossert decided to get out of the mercantile business and H. W. Houghton & Company took over.
Through the years, the building has been used by a furniture store, remodeled for a movie theater, a Piggly-Wiggly grocery store, a pool hall, a saddlery, a newspaper office, restaurants, and a bakery.