Author at County 10 newspaper Randy Tucker will be giving a general talk on the history of Riverton including the local World War II Prisoner of War Camp, schools, and irrigation. Randy’s talk will be in honor of the August 15, 1906 founding of the City of Riverton as part of the historical McLaughlin Agreement.
Stan Grove: Jade
Jade collector Stan Grove of the Riverton Mineral and Gem Society will be giving his talk “Green in Them Hills: The Allure of Fremont County Jade.” Since at least the 1930s, south-central Wyoming has been recognized as a top locality for nephrite jade of various colors and textures, well suited for jewelry and carving, and with an international market. Stan will present the story of this mineral treasure – its geology, history and lapidary appeal.
“Ross Goff Lost Cabin Gas Plant Talk”
Ross works as the superintendent of the Gas Plant in Lost Cabin and will be giving a talk about the past and current operations in the Lysite area. Ross will be presenting on a general history of gas and the wells put in since the 1950s for our Speaker Series event, and will be answering questions about the area.
“The Young Volcanos of Northwest Wyoming: Characteristics and Causes”
Matt Brueseke, PhD of Kansas State University, will discuss the types of volcanoes, styles of volcanism, and current research that is focused on understanding why these volcanoes formed and if they are related to the Yellowstone hotspot that underlies Yellowstone National Park.