Tag Archives: wyoming community bank

“Bruce Blevins: Mapping Yellow Stone”

Bruce will speak on the Early Historical Mapping of Yellowstone National Park and the early published and unpublished cartography of what would become Yellowstone National Park.  Information from government and private expeditions made up early mapping and included verbal information provided by Native Americans and fur trappers.  A variety of historic maps will be illustrated and discussed in the slide show presentation.

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“History of the Wyoming Flag”

Join the Pioneer Museum for this Wyoming Community Bank Discovery Speakers program as historian Kylie McCormick talks about the history of Wyoming's state flag.  “History of the Wyoming Flag” will be held on March 14, 20024.

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“Brian Debolt: Grizzly Bears in Wyoming”

Brian is the Large Carnivore Conflict Coordinator for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Brian has spent many years working around Dubois and will share some of those experiences and what you can do to stay safe around our fuzzy friends.

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