Tag Archives: Wind River Visitors Council

“Bonneville Pass Adventure Trek”

The Dubois Museum will host the “Bonneville Pass Nature Trek” on July 30th at 8:30am.  This program is part of the Wind River Visitors Council Adventure Trek Series.

Join Museum staff and regional expert Lynn Stewart on a hike through Bonneville Pass. Experience the breathtaking flora and fauna at high elevation.

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“Moon Lake Adventure Trek”

The Dubois Museum will host the Moon Lake Adventure Trek on July 16th at 8:00 am as part of the Wind River Visitors Council Adventure Trek Series with Erin Hannelly: DCCD: Join us for a day filled with hiking and learning about water quality and the effects of early settlers introducing fish to new waters.

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“Dr. Dave Love Driving Geology Trek”

Join Dave Love for this Wind River Visitors Council Adventure Trek Series on July 9th from 8:30-2pm. This tour is for those interested in the geology of the western Wind River Mountains and adjacent Wind River Basin. The driving tour includes several stops with short walks to see magnificent views of the landscape and outcrops of rocks ranging in age from 2.65 billion years old to younger volcanic, glacial, and stream deposits only a few thousand years old.

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“Pacific Springs/Oregon Trail”

The Wind River Visitors Council Adventure Trek Series invites you to join Craig Bromley as we visit the famous Oregon Trail near South Pass. During our trek we will learn the significance of this particular site along the trail and its historical significance to Native Americans, Mountain and Emigrants who stopped here on their journeys west.

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