Tag Archives: Pioneer Museum

Being a Pioneer Kid

Bailey Tire/Pit Stop Children’s Exploration Series at the Pioneer Museum is hosting a day of education and fun for children to see what it was like to be a kid in a pioneer family.

We will have a small talk on what life was like, and then make some toys that a pioneer kid would have enjoyed and play some pioneer games.

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Lander 100 Years Ago-1925

Join the staff of the Pioneer Museum for this Wyoming Community Bank Discovery Speakers Series program on May 22nd at 7pm.

Randy Wise will give an illustrated talk on what life was like in Lander back in the year 1925.

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Garden Expo-Craftin Corner

“Garden Expo-Craftin’ Corner” April 26th 9:00-3:00pm  "Garden Expo Craftin’ Corner" is part of the Bailey Tire/Pit Stop Children’s Exploration Series at the Lander Museum. Stop by the Pioneer Museum booth at the annual Garden Expo and enjoy a free craft activity.
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Sheep Shearing Day

Sheep shearing Day is all about sheep, sheep, sheep! Explore the history of the sheep industry in Wind River Country. Witness actual sheep shearing, pet sheep, make crafts from sheep's wool, buy products made from sheep's wool and more! 

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