Kids Corner: Scandinavian Straw Ornament
December 6 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
“Kids Corner: Scandinavian Straw Ornament” Saturday, December 6, 10:00 a.m.
Scandinavian immigrants were hired as tie hacks to cut logs throughout the Wind River region. Many of their traditions were incorporated in Dubois history. Grain was important, and an ancient Scandinavian tradition was that the first bundle of grain that was cut was kept for decorating the home during Christmas. The straw was made into ornaments to be hung on the Christmas tree and throughout the home. This project will encourage children to use natural materials to create a cultural keepsake.
A Bailey Tire & Pit Stop Travel Centers Children’s Exploration Series program. Materials will be provided. $3.00 per child. Dubois Museum 307-455-2284.