The M.N. Baldwin CompanyThe Fremont County CourthouseThe Carnegie LibraryThe Noble Hotel

The M.N. Baldwin Company

300 Main StreetThe M.N. Baldwin Company -Major Noyes Baldwin and his wife, Josephine Wright Baldwin, were some of the earliest settlers in the Lander Valley. Before establishing the dry good store in Lander, he had a trading post near Hudson, Wyoming, a log trading post on Baldwin Creek, and a store in South Pass.The original…
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The Fremont County Courthouse

450 North 2nd Street The Fremont County Courthouse - The first permanent county courthouse was built in 1886 (completed in February 1887), four years before Wyoming became a state at a cost of $25,235.  The land for the courthouse was donated by Eugene Amoretti, Sr.  Offices were on the first floor and a courtroom was on…
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The Carnegie Library

451 North 2nd Street  The Carnegie Library -The building of Lander’s beautiful public library was put into motion when Andrew Carnegie gave money to towns to build public libraries. In 1901 Carnegie, at the age of 66, was known as the world’s richest man.   Andrew Carnegie's life was a true "rags to riches" story. Born…
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The Noble Hotel

292 Main Street The Noble Hotel -The Noble Hotel has been a landmark in downtown Lander since it was built in 1918. The grand hotel was built to serve visitors from the East on their way to Yellowstone. Harold Del Monte bought the hotel in 1929 and set out to recreate the Noble as more…
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