Tag Archives: Wyoming

Historic T-Cross Ranch Tour

Join us at the museum to leave for the T-Cross Ranch where Jackie Blakeman will take us on a tour of this historic ranch located north of Dubois on Horse Creek.  The ranch is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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South Pass City Adventure Trek

Join the Riverton Museum for a complete day filled with history and exploration at South Pass City. We will be introduced to the South Pass City site and its history of gold mining, tour the English Tunnel there, and explore the Carissa Gold Mine! We will be taking a bus from the Riverton Museum at 8:30am and returning at around 4:30pm. From 12-1pm, we will have a free hour to explore the town and eat lunch. You are expected to bring your own sack lunch and water, or purchase your own food there. A fair bit of walking is to be expected. Total cost of admission per person is $20.

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“The Murder of Andrew Jackson”

Historian and former Fremont County coroner Mark Stratmoen will be telling the story of Andrew Jackson Cooper, a man who stood up against the "Cattle Barons' of the Wyoming Stock Growers Assocation, and was subsequently murdered along the Sweetwater in 1889. Not many are more qualified to talk about a murder 135 years ago in territorial Wyoming than a coroner and historian. Character assassination, slander, journalism bias, political pressure, this seems like a story from modern times. Instead, this is the history of Andrew Jackson Cooper in the Old Wild West.

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Horned Owl Draper Raptor Experience

Visit the Riverton Museum for this Children's Exploration Event for fun, educational activities, and to see Teasdale the Horned Owl up close. There are fun games to play like finding the owl with its camouflage in photographs, trying to identify which feathers match the owl's, and dissect pellets while learning about their diets.

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