Tag Archives: Rediscoverthewinds

Kids Corner: Scandinavian Straw Ornament

Scandinavian immigrants were hired as tie hacks to cut logs throughout the Wind River region.  Many of their traditions were incorporated in Dubois history.  Grain was important, and an ancient Scandinavian tradition was that the first bundle of grain that was cut was kept for decorating the home during Christmas.  The straw was made into ornaments to be hung on the Christmas tree and throughout the home.  This project will encourage children to use natural materials to create a cultural keepsake.

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Christmas Stocking Party

Pioneer Museum is hosting a sew-your-own Christmas Stocking party! Come and learn to hand sew your very own Christmas stocking. Light refreshments will be provided.

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“Annual Halloween Carnival”

Dubois Museum joins with Kiwanis Club at the Dennison Lodge to provide a safe and fun place to wear Halloween costumes and play games while celebrating this last fall holiday before winter sets in.

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“9th Annual Fall Fun Fest”

The Riverton Museum is holding its 9th Annual Fall Fun Fest sponsored by Bailey Tire and Auto Service for their Children's Exploration Series on October 25th from 2-4pm.

Come to the Riverton Museum in your costume to get your picture taken in front of our Halloween backdrop! Enjoy free cookies, hot chocolate, fun Halloween themed games, crafts, and explore our museum free of charge! 

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call the Riverton Museum at 307-856-2665.

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