Tag Archives: Bailey Tire/Pit Stop

Kids Corner: Make Your Own Petroglyph

Come learn about the significance of the ancient rock art forms of petroglyphs and pictographs.  Learn to make your own rock art with modern designs.  Advanced registration is required.  Materials will be provided.

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Horned Owl Draper Raptor Experience

Visit the Riverton Museum for this Children's Exploration Event for fun, educational activities, and to see Teasdale the Horned Owl up close. There are fun games to play like finding the owl with its camouflage in photographs, trying to identify which feathers match the owl's, and dissect pellets while learning about their diets.

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Being a Pioneer Kid

Bailey Tire/Pit Stop Children’s Exploration Series at the Pioneer Museum is hosting a day of education and fun for children to see what it was like to be a kid in a pioneer family.

We will have a small talk on what life was like, and then make some toys that a pioneer kid would have enjoyed and play some pioneer games.

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Wind River Kites-Make Your Own Kite

In 1811, William Price Hunt wrote that the Wind River was named because “in the winter, the wind blows so constantly that it prevents the snow from lying on the ground.”  Come learn about the history of kites dating back thousands of years and then design and fly your own kite on the winds of the Wind River.  This program will combine children’s creativity with the historic recreation of kite flying. 

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