“Trailblazer” corporate membership program established to support Fremont County Museums

The Fremont County Museums (Dubois Museum, Pioneer Museum in Lander and the Riverton Museum) would like to invite you to join our “Trailblazer” program.

The “Trailblazer” program is a corporate support program that will enhance our ability to serve visitors and provide a benefits for your business and your employees.

Your business receives recognition in our monthly e-newsletter, “Discovery” that goes directly to over 1800 people per month, you receive a family annual pass good for free admission to all three Fremont County Museums and your employees each receive an individual annual pass good for free admission to all three museums.  In addition we will add your staff’s email addresses to the newsletter list so they can receive “Discovery” directly and keep up on all of our programs, new exhibits and special events.

Our Museums strive to be the highest quality repositories for our culture and history, we strive to provide the best cultural experience possible to visitors, and we strive to grow our economic impact on Fremont County by attracting 1000’s of visitors from outside Fremont County each year.

Benefits include

  • Annual Family Pass for you and an Annual Individual Pass each of your employees. (valid for general admission at all three museums for 1 year)
  • Special recognition for your business as a “Trailblazer” in our monthly newsletter “Discovery” and on our website fremontcountymuseums.com
  • 15% Discount in Museum Gift Stores for you & your employees

Trialblazer Membership Form




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