Cooler weather brings leaves that accumulate on the lawn, and create large piles. It makes you want to jump in like we did as children, hoping that there’s no surprises left from a pup or critter. Everyone in town is racing to get the leaves raked up before the winter weather brings in snow to cover the lawns until the spring. The Riverton Museum is no exception. Each year, leaves on the museum’s property need to be raked and taken to the Riverton Bale Station. This year, the Museum received well-welcomed help with their vast collection of leaves from Simply Support – a program designed for adults with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries.
Simply Support visited the museum earlier in the fall. They learned more about the history of Riverton and the surrounding communities. Following a Seek n’ Find activity, staff with Simply Support inquired about volunteer opportunities for their participants. Cleaning up the leaves came to mind. “We were so appreciative that the participants at Simply Support wanted to help us with our seasonal yard work. With a small number of staff on hand and with so many projects on our plate, it is sometimes difficult to get this task done. Simply Support was generous enough to come in and help the Riverton Museum out,” stated Karline Stetler, the Museum’s site director.
The whole group – Simply Support and Riverton Museum staff – worked together to prepare the lawn for winter. Thanks to the help of Simply Support, the leaves were raked up in just under an hour! Amazing work! The Riverton Museum would like to send out thanks to all past and present community groups and individuals that have volunteered at the Riverton Museum to help out with a variety of projects. Thank You!