Fremont County Museum Board Welcomes Mike Zirbel of 307 Financial

Born in Wisconsin raised and educated in Northern Minnesota I moved to Montana where I ran a small business selling agricultural equipment.  There I gained a respect for ag and small business and a love of the Northern Rocky Mountain Region.  Thirty six years ago I came to Fremont County with my degree in finance and economics and began my career as a financial advisor.  I still enjoy my job, the people I serve and this community.  Fremont county and Riverton in particular has been a good place to live and raise my four children who have grown to become fine productive young adults.

My motivation to be on the County Museum Board is twofold.  One, I enjoy history, the stories of how we came to be the community we are is fascinating to me and stories that I think should be shared with anyone willing to listen.  If we can learn to tell those stories to more people in a more effective and interesting way our museums become a more valuable asset to our county.  Secondly, I am concerned for the future of our Fremont County communities.  With the advent of internet commerce our towns become less important as retail centers.  So what then do we become?  One of the answers I think is that we become social and cultural centers.  That is where museums come in.  Museums are not just valuable sources of education but also a reason to come to town and a reason to get together.    I hope that my experience gained on numerous community boards and organizations will help make that happen.


Mike Zirbel


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