The Fremont County Pioneer Museum in Lander collects, preserves and interprets artifacts from prehistory through the 1920’s. The focus of the collection is on artifacts from the Lander Valley, Fremont County and western Wyoming.
Programs Schedule
Celebrating Women’s History Month: Women’s Small Business Owners Tea
A celebration and educational meeting for women business owners to connect and network with one anot...
March 29 @ 1:00 pmSheep Shearing Day
Sheep shearing Day is all about sheep, sheep, sheep! Explore the history of the sheep industry in Wi...
April 19 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmGarden Expo-Craftin Corner
“Garden Expo-Craftin’ Corner” April 26th 9:00-3:00pm "Garden Expo Craftin’ Corner" is part...
April 26 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Lander Walking Tour
Fremont County has a rich history. Beginning in prehistoric times, many have made this area their home - ancient peoples, American Indians, and - through Western Migration - the white man. This tour concerns itself with the settling of the Lander Valley by means of its historic buildings.
- 1.) Lander’s Mill
- 2.) The IOOF Building
- 3.) The Lander Hotel
- 4.) The Bossert Building
- 5.) The Fremont Hotel
- 6.) The Noble Hotel
- 7.) The Carnegie Library
- 8.) The Fremont County Courthouse
- 9.) The M.N. Baldwin Company
- 10.) The Amoretti Bank
- 11.) The two-story Noble and Lane Building
- 12.) The Federal Building and Post Office
- 13.) Rhein’s Hardware & Sheet Metal Store
- 14.) Lander Eagle Newspaper
- 15.) Union Market
- 16.) Vaughn’s Livery Stable
- 17.) Coalter Hotel
- 18.) Lander Brewing Company & Rhodes & Gilbert Taxidermy
- 19.) City Drug Store
- 20.) Lander Mill Grain Tower
- 21.) Orchard Building
- 22.) Woodruff Mercantile
- 23.) Wind River Mountaineer
- 24.) Adams-Heron Building
- 25.) Scott Cheverolet
- 26.) Coalter’s Opera House & Bar
- 27.) Coolidge Building
- 28.) Lander Mercantile
- 29.) Camp Auger
Support the Lander Museum
Strengthen The Legacy
“Our long term vision is to provide the highest quality exhibits, programs, interpretation and research possible to our visitors and be an essential part of cultural tourism in our community. To successfully see our vision become a reality we will count on the financial support of those who believe in who we are and direction we are going.”
-Scott Goetz: FCMCD
How To Support
The Wind River Cultural Centers Foundation has been established to help meet the financial needs of the Pioneer Museum and ensure its long term success in meeting the goals and realizing the vision of the Pioneer Museum. Please consider supporting the Pioneer Museum by making your tax deductible donation in support of the Pioneer Museum to:
Wind River Cultural Centers Foundation
PO Box 1863
Lander, WY 82520
Atten: Pioneer Museum